1. First uninstall the copy of Teamviewer from your system. This can be done with free uninstallers or by using Window’s default ‘Add or remove‘ program which can be found at: ‘Start’ –> ‘Settings’ –> ‘Control Panel’
2. Click on Start –> Run –> type %appdata% –>delete TeamViewer folder and also delete “C:\\Program Files\\Teamviewer”
3. Click on Start –> Run –> type regedit –> delete TeamViewer folder From
- HKEY_CURRENT_USER -> Software->Find Team Viewer Enter and Delete.
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> Software -> Find Team viewer Entry and Delet.
- When Click on Advance Button , open one popup menu is like below.
- Click On Edit Button and type you current user name and click on OK Button
- Now Again Right click on Folder go to Properties -> Security -> Click OnEvery one And then Edit.
- Now Delete Folder Team Viewer Folder.
5. You can use a free registry cleaner:- for this purpose- CC Cleaner is best or iobit advance system care
6. change MAC address of your Computer.
6. change MAC address of your Computer.
7. Restart and then install but all step compulsory to follow. If you miss any step it may be not work.
8. If till your team viewer not working properly then you can try Team viewer Web Log in. it is 110% working fine
8. If till your team viewer not working properly then you can try Team viewer Web Log in. it is 110% working fine